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Quiz: Will Your Relationships Survive a Career Break?

By: Sarah Knowles BA, MA - Updated: 14 Nov 2010 | comments*Discuss
Relationship Career Break Career Break

A career break in some exotic land is the culmination of a dream. But how you act when you're away could, in part, determine how things will be when you get back. Will you be able to keep up relationships with friends and family, or will they wither and die? Take out quiz and find out...

1 You've been offered a six-month posting to do your dream job in Australia. You don't yet know if you'll want to come home or emigrate. Do you...

A) Leave telling your boss until the last minute, meaning they'll find it hard to come up with a temporary placement?

B) Explain to your employer months in advance that the posting will enhance your career skills and negotiate a leave of absence?

C) Resign from your current post, then cross your fingers and hope you'll still have a job waiting for you when you come home?

1 It might seem like longer, but you've only been dating that special someone for one week. Now you're off on a career break to Tanzania for an entire year. Bad timing yes, but do you...

A) Make preparations for them to come live with you in Africa?

B) Tell them that if the relationship has roots it will survive, and that in three months' time you'll evaluate together whether it's worth them making a visit?

C) Tell them to get a life?

2 Your partner of ten years suggesting coming with you on a six-week career break, even though it's to carry out scientific research they know nothing about. Do you...

A) Invite them with open arms, even if it means you'll only get half your research accomplished?

B) Tell them you need some time independently to make your project a success but suggest they fly out for the last two weeks?

C) Take no interest in their feelings whatsoever, and suggest they find something else to do while you're away?

3 Even though you're helping refugees in a remote village in Afghanistan, you'll still have brilliant Internet access. Your friends and family are worried about your safety. Do you...

A) Allay their fears by promising to phone them every evening – at incredible cost?

B) Give them emergency contact numbers and drop them an email every few days?

C) Promise them you'll give them a ring a week or two after you get home – then conveniently forget about them?

5 Your best childhood friend wants to visit you in Africa for five months. Your entire trip only lasts six. Do you...

A) Get on the phone and book her flight, then start making room for her in your spartan accommodation?

B) Explain nicely that a long visit would not be appropriate, and that maybe a week's sojourn would be better?

C) Tell her off for being so presumptuous?

6 Your employer has granted you a career break only if you combine travelling with taking computer skills courses. You're not keen. Do you...

A) Cancel all your travel plans and spend three months at home doing a computer correspondence course to please the boss?

B) Agree and do what the boss says? When else would you have such a brilliant opportunity, and the computer classes might come in handy!

C) Make loads of promises but come back having learnt no computer skills at all?

How'd you do?

Mostly A's: You're far too caring and loyal, whether it comes to relatives, friends or bosses. It might be worth investigating whether all your friendships are really worth the effort you put into them. Don't put into such an enormous investment into any relationship - unless you're sure it will be fully reciprocated.

Mostly B's: You appreciate your friends, family and employers, and you like to keep them in the loop with frequent emails, calls and letters. Most of your relationships have lasted for years, and you know how much they mean to you. It's nice to know everyone from friends to employers be waiting for you when you return home.

Mostly C's: You can't keep a relationship going for long because you're convinced something better is around the corner. Being away from friends and family is a 100 percent guarantee that you'll stray, so break off any serious romance before you leave on a career break. And don't count on having your job waiting for you!

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